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What Caused the Collapse of this Ancient Kingdom of Saudi Arabia called Himyar


Published on: July 24, 2022,

There was once a kingdom in Saudi Arabia called Himyar that held control much of Saudi Arabia. There were number of years where Himyar was a well established region in South Arabia. Scientists have discovered extreme dryness caused the collapse of ancient south Arabian kingdom of Himyar. There was drought which left the area in disarray and when it was coupled with political unrest and war it helped to create the circumstances necessary for the spread of newly formed religion of Islam on the Arabian Peninsula. There are still traces of the Himyarite Kingdom on the plateus of Yemen.


The kigdom has a crisis on the sixth century which resulted in its defeat by the nearby kingdom of Aksum now known as Ethopia. There was extreme drought a previously unrecognized factor has helped play a significant role in the upheavals in ancient Arabia that led rise of Islam in the seventh century. The layers of a stalagmite from AL Hoota cace were examined by Flietmann’s team. The amount of precipitation rooted the stones.  There were dry period lasting several decades and the stone grows with a smaller diameter than in years with higher drip rate. The researchers dated a dry era to the early sixth century using the radioactive decay of uranium however only to within 30 years.

There was a dead kingdom and are looking for culprit. The evidence brought closer the answers that several years in the region and dating to 520 CE Detective work in the case of water level of the Dead Sea and droughts of several years in the region and dating to 520 CE connected the extreme drought which caused the fall of Himayarite kingdom.

The historical fact was the population was experiencing great hardship as a result of starvation and war. People were searching for new hope and something that could bring people together as a society and the new religion Islam offered this.



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