One of the most asked question in our world is, “Is there a God above?” Some say yes and some say no. Science mostly says no to Gods and religion says yes to Gods. This mostly depends on how you define Gods?
If God is higher power then as per Hinduism your parents are Gods. Your teachers are Gods. Bhagavad Gita has clear description of planets with angelic women ( pari’s) serving soma rosa wine. There are planets which are self-luminous. They have their own light and do not need sun for lights. Hinduism is clear about fact that there lies other worlds like Naglok and there are parallel universes. Einstein has said, “Energy cannot be created nor be destroyed but can be changed from one form to another.” We get energy from sun and from food. If energy cannot be created or destroyed then where does that energy go after death?
Gods are visions. Goddess Saraswoti says gain knowledge and wisdom. Goddess Laxmi says gain fortune. Hindu Gods has tens of hands and light behind their head. For example Goddess Saraswoti has four hand one holding vedas and other two holding musical instrument. Some say, “Who has seen beings with tens of hands and multiple legs?”
There is a mysterious gland located deep core in the brain known as pineal gland. As per my research if you activate that gland you can see exact colors that pictures of Gods have behind their head. So pictures of gods are just symbols of some mysterious higher worlds. They are made to be understood to our senses. They represent energies or vibrations more then pictures. There is personification of gods. Pineal gland can be activated by meditation, fasting and religious ceremonies.
We all paste pictures of Krishna in Nag Pachami. He is surrounded by serpents and women. Gurus describe Krishna as a type of consciousness and those pictures define psychedelic states of mind. Some mystics say we are inside simulation of some higher civilizations. These advanced civilizations are Lemuria, Atlantis and Egyptians who created pyramids that has left us in awe. The age after 2012 is defined as Age of Gods by Mayans and age of mindfulness. A very mysterious revolution is taking place and that’s discovery of God within everyone.
Another stunning factor is location of chakras or energy centers in our body. These major chakras are indicated by red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. They represent sexual energy, creativity, survival instinct, love, expression, visions and becoming the visions respectively . As one chakras interact with other they create multiple lights like pictures of God’s have behind their head. Jesus is enlightenment of heart chakra. Buddhism is enlightenment of yellow chakra especially interaction of Yellow with red chakra. Religions defines death as deep eternal sleep or transition into other life. Christianity defines death as deep eternal sleep. Gita defines death as transition into other life. Buddha says healing of karma liberates a person from cycle of birth and death. Does these energy in chakras go deep in cosmos and these cosmos actual homes of god’s? The answer may be yes.
Reading your article has greatly helped me, and I agree with you. But I still have some questions. Can you help me? I will pay attention to your answer. thank you.
Thanks ! And what are ur questions?