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NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope finds set of Huge Galaxies that should not Exist.


Published on: February 23, 2023,

The James Webb Space Telescope is a space telescope that conducts infrared astronomy. It is the largest optical telescope in space which is equipped with high resolution and high speed sensitivity instruments. Thus, it can allow objects to view too old or faint for Hubble Space Telescope. Six massive galaxies discovered in early universe has proven to give a different theory about what scientists previously understood about the origins of galaxies in the universe.


“These objects are way more massive​ than anyone expected,” said Joel Leja, assistant professor of astronomy and astrophysics at Penn State, who modeled light from these galaxies. The researchers have expected to find tiny, young baby galaxies but the researchers have discovered galaxies as mature as if Milky Way Galaxy. It was previously understood to be the dawn of universe.


The researchers used first data set from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope where the international team of scientists discovered objects mature as the Milky Way when the universe was 3% of its current age and about 500-700 million years about Big Bang. The telescope allowed scientist to see back in time roughly 13.5 billion years.


“This is our first glimpse back this far, so it’s important that we keep an open mind about what we are seeing,” Leja said. These few of the objects turn our to be obscured supermassive black holes. The mass in stars is up 100 times greater we had previously thought. The six galaxies are far more massive than anyone expected. Leja explained galaxies discovered are very massive that they are in tension with 99% of models for cosmology and the finding was something unexpected it actually creates problems for science. It call the whole picture of early galaxy formation into question.





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