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NASA to restore Full Hubble Space Telescope Operations


Published on: November 24, 2021,

The NASA Hubble Space Telescope is a project of international cooperation between NASA and ESA. NASA continues to bring the Hubble Space Telescope back to normal operations after recovering the Wide Field Camera 3 instrument on Sunday, November 21. The camera will be second of Hubble’s instruments to resume after suspending spacecraft’s observations on October 25. The observation is scheduled to take place on November 23.


The team chose to restore most heavily used Hubble instrument, wide Field Camera 3. It represents more than a third of spacecraft’s observing time. Engineers began to prepare changes to instrument parameters while testing the changes on ground simulators. With these changes the instrument will handle several missed synchronization messages while continuing to operate normally in future. These changes will be first be applied to another instrument Cosmic Origins Spectrograph to protect its sensitive far ultra violet detector. It will take several weeks to complete testing and upload changes to space craft.


There has been no further message losses since monitoring began November 1. NASA is taking extra steps to keep hardware safe. The remaining Hubble instruments are in safe mode and rest of the spacecraft will continue to operate as expected.


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