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Hubble Captures the Enigmatic Beauty of the “Spanish Dancer Galaxy”


Published on: October 30, 2023,


The NASA Hubble Space Telescope is a project of international cooperation between NASA and ESA. AURA’s Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland. A galaxy is system of stars, stellar remnants, interstellar gas, dust, and dark matter bound together by gravity. Spanish Dancer is an intermediate spiral galaxy in the constellation Dorado positioned about 3.5 degree to the south of the star Gamma Doradus. Hubble Space Telescope has captured the vibrant and dynamic looking image of NGC 1566 which is formally referred to as “Spanish Dancer Galaxy.’ The galaxy owes nickname to the vivid and dramatic swirling lines of its spiral arms which could envoke the shapes and colors of dancers moving from the galaxy lies 60 million light years from the earth in the constellation Dorado and is also a member of the Dorado galaxy group.


Galaxy groups are assemblage of the gravitation ally bound galaxies. Groups differ from galaxy in size and mass. The Dorado group has had a fluctuating membership over the past few decades with various papers which has changed its list of constituent galaxies. It is so challenging for astronomers to pin down members of groups such as Dorado group we can imagine a photograph of adult human and large oak tree.


When working out members of galaxy group astronomers are not necessarily equipped with knowledge of the size of individual galaxies so we have to work it out whether galaxies are relatively close together in space or whether some of them are much closer or further away. Even though there is a challenge with sophisticated observation techniques but it has become easier.


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