Without time our world cannot exist. As per scientists time spread like a carpet of the floor which is expanding on all the sides and space rests on the carpet. Without sense of time our existence do not make sense. But on the fundamental level physicists are not sure whether the sort of times experience exists at all. Scientist long assumed that time is absolute and universal. It is same for everyone, everywhere and existing independently for us. It is still treated in the way of quantum mechanics which rules the microcosms of atoms and particle. But as per Albert Einstein’s theory shows that time is relative than absolute and it can speed up or slow down depending on how fast you are travelling. Time can also be thoughts interwoven into “space-time.”
Einstein’s theories enabled scientist to picture the universe in a new way as a static four dimensional block with three spatial dimension. There is no special now in the block which appears to one absorber is simply the past to another. If it is true why is our experience from past to future so strong. One answer is entropy a measure of disorder is always increasing in the universe. Sean Carroll, a physicist at Johns Hopkins University in the US, it turns out that the early universe had very low entropy. “[The universe] was very, very organized and non-random and it’s been sort of relaxing and getting more random and more disorganized ever since.” This is likely to create an arrow of time for human observers.
Caroll suggests on a question that why our universe started with such low entropy. Western Ontario in Canada, on the other hand, believes the mystery of why our universe started with low entropy is a problem that ultimately stems from the fact that physics is riddled with assumptions about the time. She believes on the side that says time does not flow and she thinks is it a king of illusion that comes from the way in which we happened to be embedded in the world.
There can be more experiments that shed light on the nature of time and helping to test various combination of quantum mechanics and general relativity. Natalia Ares, an engineer at the University of Oxford, believes that studying the thermodynamics (the science of heat and work) of clocks may help “By understanding clocks as machines, there are things that we can understand better about what the limits of timekeeping are,” she argues.