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Does Multiverse Exist for Real or Does it Exist only in Movies?


Published on: May 22, 2022,

Multiverse a hypothetical space or realm consisting of a number of universes, of which our own universe is only one. If you have watched spider-Man: No way Home or Doctor Strange in the Mulltiverse of Madness you will find the word multiverse. Could there be other Earths? Could there be other people out there who look lot like us. There might be possibility of life in other planets because we do not know how big our universe actually is. We see billions of light years into space but we do not know how much is space is out there. There are might worlds beyond what we can see.


We see Dr. Strange use magic and Marvel multiverse stems from ability to travel between other earths. According to Albert Einstein we cannot travel through faster than light but there might be wormholes to connect us to another Earth like planets. So if there is another Earth it is unimaginably far away. It could be further even for an astronomer. Our universe has protons and neutrons which are our building blocks. Other parts of universe have different building blocks. So there can be scientific multiverse not simply more of our universe but universes with different fundamental ingredients. Most are dead but very rarely there can be right combination for life forms comes up.


We know a little of multiverse and it is in an exploratory phase. We have got an idea that might explain few things. But to prove it we need more evidence that is more direct and more decisive. However, as Dr. Strange explains, “The multiverse is a concept about which we know frighteningly little.”



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