We all are fascinated by divine figures. Divine figures and heroes like Buddha, Shiva and Jesus are part of our daily lives. Hinduism is full of Gods, divine knowledge and tales. The major figures are Hindu trinity. The religion itself is so pious and pure. Have you wondered you can gain spiritual powers and reach heights of ascension by few steps mentioned by sages and mystics. Yes! You can turn yourself into a Hindu deity by following simple methods.
Kundalini rising is flow of energy from your back of your spine to brain and forehead. It is denoted by a kundalini serpents symbolically in Hinduism. Practicing kundlaini yoga and various methods of meditation you can activate different parts of the brain. It can give you thousand years of revolutions after the energy moves to your brain.
With meditation and yoga’s you can activate pineal gland and third eye. The eye in the foreheads of hindu gods denote third eye. A small gland is located in brain called pineal gland which when active can take you to spiritual worlds. You must have noticed shape of pine in Buddha’s head. It represents pineal gland. When the third and pineal gland vibrates in unison a light is created head. Scientifically, third eye is masculine and has positive charge and pineal gland is feminine. When positive and negative meets a light in formed. It is the same light you see behind the heads of deities like Buddha, Shiva or Krishna. When the pineal gland is active a energy surges as tingling sensations on crown of head and it is so pleasing. After the light is formed it is a sign of immortality.
You can separate soul from the body and travel to different worlds. Your soul can travel to different world and you will feel you are floating in skies. You can gain knowledge of spiritual worlds the science has failed to see. After the experiences you can gain knowledge of different worlds.
It is said after the end of Mayan calendar in 2012 age of God’s have started. There are violet and indigo’s children who will be leaders the world. Also there will be kingdom of god after 2025 after all the chaos that is happening. These findings might sound fictional and has been buried for ages. You can take part in this spiritual revolution as a religious deity. And it will work.