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Coffee and Veggies May Help Protect Against COVID-19


Published on: August 8, 2021,

Sip cappuccino and eat some salad. A study shows coffee consumption and eating both cooked or uncooked vegetables may increase immunity which in turn offer protection against COVID-19. This was incurred from a new Northwestern Medicine study. The researchers examined it from population data.


Senior author Marilyn Cornelis says, “A person’s nutrition impacts immunity and immune system play a key role in an individual susceptibility and response to infectious disease.” One or more cups of coffee per day was associated with 10% less risk of having COVID-19 compared to less than one cup of day and eating 0.67 servings can lower risk of COVID-19 infection. Consumption of processed meat increase the risk of COVID-19. Breastfeeding a baby reduces the risk by 10% compared to not breastfeeding.


Even though the study shows diet reduces risk the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends vaccines are more effective concerning illness and death. COVID-19 vaccines reduce risk of people spreading the virus that causes COVID-19.Elderly people, people with hypertension, diabetes are more likable to experience COVID-19.


There is more to confirm, whether these diets can cure COVID only or also respiratory infections. “Coffee is a major source of caffeine but there are also dozens of compounds that might show similar properties,” Cornelius said.


Data form UK Biobank examined associations between dietary in 2006-2010 and COVID- 19 infections from March to December. Main focus was diet factors for which data were available and self-reported intake of coffee, tea, vegetables, and fruit. The research was done on 37,988 participants from where 17% were tested positive. Cornelis hopes to use this information to gain better insight to study how diet and nutrition offer protection from disease.


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