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Alien Life might be possible in Trappist-1 System


Published on: March 9, 2022,

Trappist-1 system consists of seven rocky planets distributed across the system’s habitable zone. It is not too hot and not too cold for liquid water to exist on the surface of surrounding planets. NASA’s webb telescope will study the atmosphere of these planets and help scientist learn more about planetary formation and habitability. The telescope will observe Trappist-1 early in operating cycle. The Trappist-1 system has seven rocky planets orbiting a really low mass star.


Scientist find these planets sort of are a natural laboratory to study processes that might impact habitability. And some of the planets in that system are too close to the star to be habitable. They’re re probably too hot. Some of the planets in that system are too close to the star to be habitable. And one of the planet is probably too cold to be habitable. And some of the planets in that system are just the right distance from their star to be habitable.


So by studying all the planets in the system and comparing and contrasting their characteristics we might learn more about how planetary habitability varies as you move out or inward from the distance from your parent star and also about the different processes that can enable or maybe destroy habitability at different distance from your star. All the planets are formed together and they have same material and experience the same processes from the star over their lifetime.


The star which the planet orbits are different from massive Sun like stars. They produce a lot of high energy stellar flares. They produce a lot of high energy radiation. The Webb telescope will see how the planets are different but also in what ways are they same from our solar system.


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