Coffee is a fundamental drink to many people and world’s population. According to National Coffee Association 66% of Americans drink coffee every day making it a popular than water. Studies have found that studies have found possible health benefits from drinking coffee include lower risk of dying. This holds true both for unsweetened and sugar sweetened coffee.
A new cohort study has found that adults who drank moderate amounts (1.5 to 3.5 cups per day) of unsweetened coffee or coffee sweetened with sugar were less likely to die during a 7-year follow up period. Researchers from Southern Medical University in Guangzhou used data from U.K Biobank to evaluate the associations of coffee. More than 171,000 participants from the U.K without heart disease or cancer were asked several dietary and health behavior questions to determine coffee consumption habits. The authors found that during 7- year follow up period, participants who drank any unsweetened coffee were 16 to 21 percent less likely to die than participants who did not drink coffee.
Coffee has qualities that could add to health benefits. The authors add that the participant data is at least 10 years old and collected from country where tea is similarly popular beverage. With this finding clinicians can tell their patients that there is no need for most coffee drinkers to eliminate the beverage from their diet but to be cautious about highly calorie specialty coffees