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How to Win a War


Published on: March 27, 2023,

I grew up watching tv serials like Mahabharata and  Ramayana. I have closely analyzed U.S War in Afghanistan and Iraq. I have understood few things about war between good and evil. And to me commanding troops are subject of fascination. ” Art of War” has been one of my favorite books. With certain techniques victory can be near. And following are my thoughts about how to win a war.



Sharp your swords and polish your guns. Let there be enough Guns and equipment.


The arrows, bullets, artillery and warheads should be double then the number of enemies.


Each solider should trust their instincts in battlefield while they haunt enemies. Show no fear


The mind of commander should be relaxed and sharp. He should not stress.


About one quarter of troops should be allocated to bring food and supplies and to help the wounded


Few thousands spies  should be allocated to spy and understand  the plans of enemies before war.


The tanks should be faster than enemies.  Rather than using soldiers in grounds fighter planes will be more effective to destroy enemy bases


If the battlefield is plain soldiers on ground should be used. If the enemies are on mountains soldiers on air should be used.


Each solider should carry pictures and letters of their loved ones with him.   That will make the troops invincible.


Speed is essential to win any battle. More is the speed faster will be the victory. And there will be more chances of victory.


Nurses should be kind, healing and soothing so that a wounded solider  will heal faster and feel better.


Each solider should plan to kill ten enemies. And the commander must raise the esteem of solider with his speeches.


If the war lasts for more than two weeks. The general should visit troops And hand them medals to raise the esteem the soldiers


Fire is a tool to destroy enemies. Fire is deadlier then air or water.


There should be proper coordination between soldiers. And there should be enough tools to deliver reports about the war to their headquarters.


There should be enough reserve forces during battle. If there is chance of loss reserve forces should be used.


There should be good maps and proper knowledge about the location of enemies.


Rather than fighting  in one direction  victory is near when enemies are surrounded.


The soldiers should be equipped with latest weapon and their technology should be                                                                                                                                     better than enemies.


Strong and highly trained Commandos should be used in the front line while striking enemy bases.











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