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Grab a Soft Drink: July 2023 Was the Hottest Month on Record


Published on: August 17, 2023,

July 2023 was marked the hottest month recorded. There are a lot of factors responsible such as human caused emission and high sea surface temperatures. The evolving El Niño’s impact is expected in early 2024. As per the record Earth is July was warmer than the average for the month and warmer than any other month in the 143 tear record. The record goes back to 1880 and continues the long term trend in dramatic warming that we have seen over the past four decades.


A lot of factors were responsible such as devastating wildfires and blistering heat waves in the Northen Hemisphere. The heat waves we are seeing in North Africa, the Middle East, the U.S. Southwest, China, and southern Europe are being directly impacted by the fact that the whole planet is warming. The data was collected by GISS team from metrological stations and sea surface temperature data acquired by ship and buoy based instruments. High sea surface temperatures contributed to July’s record warmth.


Phenomenon such as El Niño or La Niña, which warm or cool the tropical Pacific Ocean, can contribute a small amount of year-to-year variability in global temperatures. It’s our duty to fight with climate change and other factors that has caused the planet to warm up suddenly.


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