Writing can be a useful hobby and profession. With introduction of modern internet you do not need to knock on doors of publishers and you can publish your book online. For sure publishing on internet won’t be like publishing with a publisher but it will have your desire to publish book fulfilled. Also it won’t sell as much as copies as outside you can have higher royalties’ payment options while you publish it online. Here is a process to publish your book online in internet just for free.
Process for filling our paperback details:
Go to Createspace.com
A dialogue box will appear. Click on Kindle Direct Publishing.
Log in to your Amazon account. If you do not have one make one.
Kindle Direct publishing page will appear click on paperback
Type your book title.
Type edition number if you have one.
Fill the name of author.
If you have contributors make one.
Fill in description
Type in publishing rights.
Type key words to make your book searchable
Choose categories
If your book has adult content mark the dialogue box
Now you have paperback details ready. Now you need content of the book ready. In the next step you need cover, content, ISBN ready. Click on save and continue.
Process for filling out paperback content details
For ISBN createspace will assign you one for free. You can use your own ISBN as well.
Choose publication date.
Choose print options. Here you will interior and cover of book. You have four options and you can have black and white interior or color interior. You can as well choose color of cover.
Choose your trim size, bleed settings and paper back cover finish.
Upload your manuscript
Upload your book cover
Preview your book
Now you have paperback content ready. Now next step is working in rights and pricing.
Process for filling out paperbacks, writing and Pricing
Select territories. If you want to publish worldwide click on worldwide territories. You can as well choose desired countries.
Fill out pricing, royalty and distribution. Make sure your pricing can have you enough royalties.
Click on publish and agree with terms and condition.
Click on publish your paperback book.
Now your book will be published. Your book will take upto 72 hours to appear on amazon.com and other pages. You can publish it in kindle as well.
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