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“ The Last Inn” is available on Online International Markets around the Globe


Published on: August 6, 2022,

Buy Love in Stores


Few decades and we will get old.                                                                                                                                                                             Come stay with and make me feel bold.                                                                                                                                                            Some say the lord sold this world to lovers.                                                                                                                                                     You can buy love fresh in fresh by stores.


“The Last Inn” is  seventeenth book by Roshan B. Karki. It is a collection of beautiful poems by author Roshan B. Karki.  Roshan B. Karki is a nepali citizen. He has attended Loras College, USA as an honors student to pursue undergraduate degree in creative writing He published his first book via create space named “ Chasing Unicorns” when he was twenty. It was published in United States. “ Chasing Unicorns” has appeared on book fairs in New York and other countries. He has published seventeenth books of poems and fictions so far. Apart from a writer he is also musician, entrepreneur and politician. His writings are inspired by eastern and western mysticism, love and mythical subjects. His books have appeared in online stores of Barnes and Nobles, Amazon and other online book stores.


You can click on following link to got his books !


“The Last Inn” contains beautiful poems about love, events, places and taking major theme for god of death known as Shiva in eastern mysticism. With a theme of love, life, events and supernatural powers these poems will entertain you like nothing else. Poems such as ” Life and Sunsets” are written with theme of duality such as life and death. Poems such as ” The Last Inn” is written with theme of beautiful places and circumstances. Poems such ” In your Arms Mother ” and ” Buy Love in Stores” is written with theme of love between people and world. A beautiful collection this poems will entertain you like nothing else.


You can find “ The Last Inn” here !

Karki’s books are too available in Nepal. You can click on following link to get one.

Happy reading !




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