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“ Dreams about Benjamin Franklin” is Out On Online Markets Around the Globe


Published on: January 3, 2023,

Wine will Change few things


May be its church or a bar                                                                                                                                              We still have miles to go                                                                                                                                                  We have come this far                                                                                                                                                    We might have to walk in snow                                                                                                                                       Wine will change few things.


Cheers! Go take a sip of divinity                                                                                                                                       You will feel warm                                                                                                                                                             You will feel beauty                                                                                                                                                           You will feel vigor like tides in a sea.                                                                                                                          Wine will change few things.


So empty your glasses.                                                                                                                                                      What is there to worry?                                                                                                                                                    Since the last drink                                                                                                                                                             I am five minutes old already                                                                                                                                           Wine will change few things.



About Dream from Benjamin Franklin


” Dreams from Benjamin Franklin” is twenty third book by author Roshan B. Karki. Taking inspiration from founding father the narrative poems will thrill and inspire you like nothing else. Also there are poems about love, society, objects and bonus short poem with haikus.
Poems like ” Lost City of Atlantis” is written taking inspiration from myths. Poems like ” A Man at Work” is written taking inspiration from society. Poems like ” One Hundred Benjamin Franklin’s” is written about politics.



About Roshan B. Karki



Roshan B. Karki ( Roshan Bikram Kark) is a poet, writer, musician, entrepreneur and politician. He was born in Kathmandu, Nepal. He has attended Loras College, USA as an honors student to pursue undergraduate in Creative writing. “Dreams from Benjamin Franklin” is twenty second book by the author. He publishes his book independently via create space. Although he is an Asian his creative sources include western writers and western philosophy.  His books have appeared worldwide on major online websites. His major genres are poetry, science fiction, political science and fantasy. In the coming days with the help from readers he aims to publish his books physically and go on world tours reading poetry. Please give his books a read and welcome the new genre of writing!



You can find “ Dreams about Benjamin Franklin” on


Click on the link below to get any of his books.


Karki’s books are too available in Nepal. You can click on following link to get one.

Happy reading!





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