Every human being has a certain zodiac sign based on the date of their births. The zodiac is a belt shaped region of that sky that extends approximately 8 degree north and south of the ecliptic. It means everyone represents a certain part of the space or sky. Based on the celestial movements day to day predictions of daily and yearly lives are done. The theory of zodiac is grounded on belief that everyone had a predicted destiny of their own.
With the zodiac sings there can be prediction of future which can be seen daily, monthly or yearly. With the existence of zodiac it can be assumed that life in earth is pre destined and there is higher forces that rule the world as the future of person can be forecasted and everyone had certain point in the sky. But in daily life seeing zodiac signs are fun and can give estimation of the future.
In western astrology the zodiac is divided into following twelve signs. Each occupies 30 degree of celestial longitude and roughly correspond to the astronomical constellations with the same name. Each zodiac signs have their own characters, trait and they can be identified. When I attend any birthday celebrations I usually ask the birthday person what their zodiac signs is and see their traits. Here is how the twelve songs can be identified
Aries are natural born leaders and are cardinal air signs. You can feel something warm when you gaze at the faces of Aries. You feel there is fire. As they are first signs they are usually leaders while starting a certain task. Also they are rule breakers.
They are very stubborn and sensual. They are hard headed, down to earth, tenacious, reliable, loyal and sensual. They are known to be intelligent.
The most social butterflies of the zodiac they are full of passions, hobbies, careers and friend groups. They are happy with dinners, travelling and socializing.
They are emotional, nurturing and highly intuitive. They are protectors of their loves ones and can act when they feel they are necessary. Cancers’ have ability to know things without knowing how they know them.
They are confident, comfortable being the attention, drama – adoring and ambitious. They are rules by the sun and fierce protectors of their nearest and dearest. They are generous, luxury loving, sunny and big hearted.
The people with Virgo zodiac are realistic, humble, industrious and practical. And they are most successful in living the normal lives. They are quick thinkers and they have so much mental energy that they are frequently stressed and tense.
Libra are cardinal air signs. They are very intelligent and very gullible and easily influenced. They are slow decision makers and very good at creative stuffs. And they are balancers of the situations.
As per the name the Scorpio’s are tough minded and have the traits to make them successful. They are somehow dark and mysterious. But they know how to work with the world and are leaders when it comes with world and day to day hustles. Also they can handle any emergent situations easily.
They are optimistic, lovers of freedom, honest and intellectual. They are spontaneous and fun. They have lot of friends and the best conversationalists of the zodiac.
The people with Capricorn zodiac have high vibrations. They approach the world with the world with their personal believes. They are over achievers, persistent who make success look effortless. They are very successful with their career.
They are symbolized by the water bearers. They are advanced, self-reliant and optimistic. Also they are progressive thinkers and can be unpredictable and moody.
Like the name sounds the people with Pisces are sensitive, artistic and deeply emotional. They are caring and throw themselves into caring for others. They are magical persons.