Since I was a kid TV show like Ramayana, Mahabharata and Om Nama Shivaya my source of entertainment. I had deep curiosity of gods since I was a god. I have asked myself what is god? I have asked myself looking at the pictures of Hindu Gods having four hands why has not anyone seen Gods? I have carried bows and arrows and fanaticized myself as a Hindu God. A certain phrase caught my eyes when I was a kid and that was “Religion is believing other’s experience and spirituality is having your own experience.” I have dreamed of being a hero.
Since I was a kid I am very sharp on studies. I have topped almost every educational institutions I have attended. I used to get strange dreams when I was a kid. And one night on my senior year in high school I saw a lotus revolving around my head. I did not knew what it was until now. I found now it was a fruit of life. It was revolving in my third eye. Then after a year I went to Loras College, U.S.A.
The environment at Loras College was magical. I learned poetry, music and science in dilemma of whether I should graduate in Engineering or whether I should graduate in creative writing. I also had a band in college and we did around seven concerts. Strange things started happening after two years of college. That was I started feeling tingling sensation in my crown area of head. It was so pleasing and enlightening. After I researched in my free laptop provided by Loras College my crown chakra was active. I started using chakra meditations and other advanced meditations. But with the experience my sleep pattern changed and I started missing classes.
I started writing books and poems. My first book “Chasing Unicorns” was success and now I have found I have healed my karma as that point when I was twenty. Then I went to California. The energy was so powerful, pleasing and healing. There were used to be so much parties. And one night when I was drinking a lime flavored corona beer looking at the stars a certain figure appeared in a sky. It was a figure like temple and it changed shapes and sizes like an animation in movies. Then a voice said, “You watch this galaxy. I have other galaxies to watch. “Then it floated like a shooting stars and disappeared with blink of an eye. It felt like a voice of Krishna. I am sure I was not that drunk that time. Now I wonder, “Do Hindu Gods travel in multidimensional plane across the universe. Do they travel one dimensions to other in the universe and enter through wormholes.” I know this sounds very imaginative and fictional but it appeared for real.
Then I returned to Nepal and started writing books. So far I have written twenty four books guided by my spiritual experience. Some of the works are Chasing Unicorns, Gadfly’s Zoo, Riding on a sea Horse, Tale of Presidency etc.The flow on energy in my pineal gland lasted for ten years. I found my 20’s disappeared in a blink of an eye and in pages of books I wrote. After my marriage it stopped flowing.
I have found myself a true pair anyone can imagine. Apart from writing books I have my business. AM I SUCESSUSFUL? I wonder. The multidimensional plane, activation of pineal gland sounds fictional. But sometimes the legends, fictions and imaginative subjects come true in our lives.
After the flow of energy in pineal gland stopped a certain phenomenon took place and that was seeing all the rainbow colors in third eye. I found energy from my chakras combined to give a white light and has disappeared in the cosmos. There is no more energy and my light in the head is almost gone. And I have found my spiritual experience somewhere between Buddha, Shiva and Jesus. And with all this experiences I found question to one answer and the question is “WHAT IS GOD? “