Army of the Dead
We will never die because we are already dead. Behold! We are army of the dead.
” Flowers and Swords” is twenty sixth book by author Roshan B. Karki. Taking major theme of war and love the author has captured glimpses of day to day world where the world is busy in wars. Also there are heart touching poems about love and spirituality. These poems will en thrill and entertain you like nothing else. Few titles are ” Army of the Dead” , ” Castle upon the Hill”, ” Flowers and Swords” and ” The Pink Moon.”
About Roshan B. Karki ( Author)
Roshan B. Karki ( Roshan Bikram Kark) is a poet, writer, musician, entrepreneur and politician. He was born in Kathmandu, Nepal. He has attended Loras College, USA as an honors student to pursue undergraduate in Creative writing. “Flowers and Swords” is twenty sixth book by the author. He publishes his book independently via create space. Although he is an Asian his creative sources include western writers and western philosophy. His books have appeared worldwide on major online websites. His major genres are poetry, science fiction, political science and fantasy. In the coming days with the help from readers he aims to publish his books physically and go on world tours reading poetry. Please give his books a read and welcome the new genre of writing!
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